Yin Yoga
What is Yin Yoga?
Yin Yoga is a very calm and relaxing style of yoga in which the asanas (postures) are held for a long time. They are mainly done sitting or lying on the floor. The muscles are not tensed in most of the positions, so that you remain passive in it. By holding the asanas for three to five minutes, the deep-seated tissue, the fascia, is addressed. This can release blockages and tensions in the connective tissue as well as in the ligaments and joints. The body becomes supple again.
Who is Yin Yoga for?
It can be practiced by everyone. There are variations for all asanas and thanks to various supports such as pillows and blankets, you can help the body in the various postures and get into the position that is right for you and feels harmonious and relaxed.
Yin Yoga is not about making a posture look perfect, but about feeling into your body and sense what is good for it. Every body is built differently and feels the different postures in a different way.
What to look out for?
The important thing in Yin Yoga is to mindfully enter the posture until you feel a slight stretch. Don’t go to the maximum.
I always like to say: “Less is more!”
This also means not to compare yourself with others. Especially do not to force your body to perform movements. No pain should be caused. The muscles should always be as relaxed as they can.
Become still in your body and mind and allow gravity to work. With time the body will sink deeper into the posture. Make sure to exit the posture slowly and mindfully, taking all the time you need.
After being in the posture for so long, you might feel fragile. That is completely normal. Take all the time you need and slowly come out of the posture.
What benefits do you get?
You will see! Yin Yoga is perfect to create a balance in your fast paced life, to take some time out and to connect with yourself.
You get to know your body again and trust its signals. Through this beautiful practice, tensions on the physical, spiritual and emotional level can dissolve. You become more agile, relaxed and compassionate towards yourself and others.
There is so much more to say about Yin Yoga, it’s practice and benefits. I recommend to read this article or check out Bernie Clark’s website if you want to dive deeper. This is just a small introduction to Yin Yoga.
Do you feel like giving it a try? Then write me here to join a class in Barcelona, online or check out my YouTube channel. You can also find me on Meet-Up.

Connect to your body, mind and soul!